Neoen: official launch of the Goyder Renewables Zone project – 01/17/2022 at 07:43


( – Neoen has officially launched Goyder Renewables Zone, its major project in South Australia, by entrusting the construction of Goyder South Stage 1, a 412 MW wind farm, to a consortium made up of GE Renewable Energy and ‘Elecnor.

This park will consist of 75 GE 5.5-158 Cypress turbines and will be connected to ElectraNet’s Robertstown substation via a new transmission line. Its construction is currently at the initial works stage and it should be commissioned in 2024.

Neoen intends to contractualize a large part of the electricity produced by this park. A first contract covering 100 MW has already been signed with the government of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) for a period of 14 years.


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