Netflix announces a huge surprise expected by everyone

Squid Game, the cult series available on Netflix, made a big announcement that was highly anticipated. Do we already have something to eat?

You are surely aware that Netflix has strengthened its offering in a very particular way. Indeed, the SVOD platform has a catalog of games available to its subscribers. The streaming giant offers three GTA games not to be missed. But what does he plan for the future? Obviously, we should expect to see a video game coming with… Squid Game.

Squid Game as a video game, soon a reality?

It’s difficult to have missed the series which, in a short time, has become a real phenomenon. As a reminder, the principle is as simple as pie. People must participate in deadly games to pocket a jackpot and recover their debt. The concept definitely appealed to the public, since it was a huge hit. Today, the Squid Game formula has been exported to the reality TV format. As you will have understood, it lends itself wonderfully to playing video games. Obviously, Netflix understands this, and it intends to make one.

It is in a press release which announces the next games of the SVOD platform that the project was entitled to a small description: “ a game set in the Squid Game universe, where you can compete against other players in games from the hit series “. In truth, this would not be the first time that the universe of the series and its morbid games have been taken up in the video game sphere. We think in particular of the crazy Crab Game, or the Squid Game maps on CS:GO. However, this time, we will undoubtedly be dealing with a slightly more massive production.

That said, at the moment, we don’t really have any more information to get our hands on. There is no release date to communicate, not even a window, no first images, no trailer, in short, nothing. We don’t even know who is in charge of the construction site. The development of this Squid Game must still be at an early stage, if not started at all. However, two years ago, there was already a rumor about this project signed by Netflix. Has it been in the pipeline that long? If this is the case, we can potentially expect a very interesting title.

The Netflix Games offer will diversify

Netflix’s objective is clear, it wants to diversify its offering, and this will involve games like this famous Squid Game. But that’s not all. If the arrival of three GTAs hasn’t convinced you, in 2024, the giant’s Gaming library will welcome other big names. We will thus see the addition of Hades, which will be available exclusively on iOS, Dead Cells and Death’s Door. The catalog is growing, and it corresponds perfectly to the strategy announced at the start of this year 2023.

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