Netflix: Bridgerton fans mixed on season 2 deemed too soft and different from the original book

Available on Netflix, season 2 of “The Bridgerton Chronicle” is, unsurprisingly, the announced success. Nevertheless, some fans criticize this new burst of episodes for straying too far from Julia Quinn’s book.

More than a year after its first season, The Bridgerton Chronicle is – finally – back. After the romantic adventures of Daphne, now place those of her older brother, Anthony (Jonathan Bailey). The hero falls under the spell of the beautiful Edwina Sharma (Charithra Chandran), who is determined to make her his wife. It was without counting on Kate Sharma (Simone Ashley), Edwina’s older sister, who will also turn the head of the viscount.

Number one in the ranking of the platform, season 2 enchants part of the public, even if it means disappointing some, especially the purists. A handful of fans of Julia Quinn’s universe criticize the series for straying too far from the original book. Some key moments of the novel are different – if not absent – from the Netflix production. The relationship between Anthony and Kate is particularly singled out, deemed not intense enough during season 2.

I watched season 2 in one sitting and… I’m a little disappointed… The book was so good. Why did you change so many things to make it a totally different story? I did not finish the series being satisfied. The acting is superb, but there were too many parallel sub-plots.

Others, on the contrary, defend the changes made with the series:

If Bridgerton season 2 was faithful to the book, it would have been a simple retelling of season 1. Despite different plot clichés (arranged marriages, the enemy-lover clash), the plots of the book are very similar. Changes MUST be made to allow each season to be unique.

A season too soft?

The other defect underlined by the fans: the less sulphurous spirit of this second season. After an erotically charged first chapter, this new burst of episodes opts for a very different style. Here, desire is put back at the center of relationships. It’s all about looking rather than touching. Enough to increase the frustration of the characters as the plot progresses. Unfortunately, this change did not satisfy everyone.

I’m about to watch episode 6 and no sex scene yet and I’m not okay with that.”

Well, season 2 was very good, but not as amazing as the first. A severe lack of sexy scenes, but I’ll put that down to the pandemic.

Not enough coitus in this Bridgerton season. I like languorous looks like everyone else, but please drop the dresses and unbutton the panties.”

The Bridgerton Chronicle is available on Netflix.

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