Netflix: if you loved Dear Little, don’t miss this astonishing film before it leaves the platform

While the German series “Dear Little” continues to be a hit on Netflix, there is still time to discover “Room”, another best-selling adaptation, whose story shares many similarities.

Coming from Germany, Dear Little, adapted from the best-seller by Romy Haussman, created a surprise on Netflix. For three weeks, she has monopolized the podium of the ranking, even surpassing the juggernaut of the moment, One Piece. In just a few days, the series achieved the best start for non-English fiction. A nice record.

This detective story opens with the escape of a woman and a little girl, both held captive in a hidden military base. When the authorities open the investigation, it is a matter of time before finding the culprit and saving the little boy who is still kidnapped.

Although this is fiction, Dear Little is inspired by news events that occurred in Austria, such as the Natascha Kampusch affair and that of Elisabeth Fritzl. Another film also focuses on the subject of sequestration and the trauma of victims after their release: Room, released in 2016 and directed by Lenny Abrahamson.

Although the genre is not the same – we move from thriller to melodrama – this feature film contains many points in common with Dear Little. The story follows Joy, a young woman sequestered in a “room”, and Jack, the son she tries to raise as best she can. To protect her child from the violence of his daily life, she invents a world for him. Jack is convinced that nothing exists outside his four walls.

As with Dear Little, Room is the adaptation of a novel, that of Emma Donoghue – which bears the same name – published in 2010. The similarities with the Natascha Kampusch affair, once again, are obvious.

Heartbreaking, Room is a film not to be missed, particularly for the performances of its two main actors, Brie Larson – winner of an Oscar for her role – and Jacob Tremblay, only 9 years old at the time of release.

Room leaves the Netflix platform on September 30.

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