Netflix in distress: The first season of the best series is now free on Apple

Netflix costs a lot of money, nothing is given to you. Apple is completely different, they are currently providing you with the first season of the best series of 2021 for free – no subscription is required.

The best series of the last year? For Rolling Stone, this is For All Mankind – it runs on Apple TV+ and this usually costs money. The fun must be worth almost 5 euros a month. Apple is currently waiving the money. At least you can watch the entire first season on Apple TV + for free, a subscription does not have to be taken out (“See For All Mankind” on Apple TV+). Simply select and view – done. But why is Apple doing this, why is the iPhone manufacturer so generous?

Hey Netflix look, Apple is giving away its premium content

The reason: Advertisement for season 3 of the popular series. It’s just starting, the first episode has been available since June 10th. The third and the second season are of course not free. If you want to see them, you have to take out a subscription. So Apple creates demand and feeds potential customers. They want to know how the story continues. Speaking of which, what is the series about?

For All Mankind Season 1 trailer:

For All Mankind – Official First Look Trailer (Apple TV+)

For All Mankind is perfect for space lovers as well as alternate history fans. The initial situation: The year is 1969. The Americans are not the first to set foot on the moon, it is the Russians who forestall Neil Armstrong. From then on, the story we know develops in a strikingly different way. Very exciting, well worth seeing and always with a reference to history as we know it.

But you shouldn’t wait too long to watch the first season of the series for free. According to Apple we these free for a limited time only be. Apple does not reveal how long you can take your time for this (source: Twitter channel “For all Mankind”). Ergo: If in doubt, start binge watching today, you never know.

Rave reviews: “For All Mankind”

With a Rating of 91 percent (87 percent audience rating) at Rotten Tomatoes, the Srie series obviously doesn’t just appeal to “Rolling Stone”, and the rest is visibly enthusiastic. Season 3 achieves even more – currently 100 percent (92 percent audience rating). In short: it’s really worth it. Netflix should be careful when Apple just “gives away” such high-quality content. The industry leader, on the other hand, was more conspicuous for its mass than for its class.

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