Netflix: only a week left to see the best musical of the 2000s

If you like to push the song, you only have one week left to catch up with the best musical of the 2000s on Netflix.

What is it about ?

It was in 1999, on the lovely Greek island of Kalokairi that the romantic adventure began, in an isolated Mediterranean hotel, Villa Donna, run by Donna, her daughter Sophie and Sophie’s fiancé, Sky.

Just in time for her upcoming wedding, Sophie nervously posts three invitations to three very different men, one of whom she thinks is her father. From three points on the globe, three men prepare to return to the island – and to the woman – who enchanted them 20 years earlier.

Mama Mia! by Phyllida Lloyd with Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgård, Amanda Seyfried…

Impressive live performances

Musical based on the songs of the group ABBA, Mamma mia! has been a hit show since its debut in the late 1990s.

After performances around the world, a film adaptation saw the light of day in 2007 under the impetus of the trio behind the show, namely author Catherine Johnson, director Phyllida Lloyd and producer Judy Craymer.

The filming of a large part of the exterior scenes took place on the island Skopelos and in the small village of Mouresi in Greece. Most of the filming took place at Pinewood Studios near London.

For Mamma Mia!, it was necessary to call upon actors able to sing live because it was about a wish of Benny Andersson, member of ABBA. The team succeeded in putting together an exceptional cast, notably composed of Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgård, Amanda Seyfried, Christine Baranski and Julie Walters.

Paramount Pictures

In order to get the best out of the actors, Phyllida Lloyd resorted to different options: pre-recording the voices so they could lip-sing to their own voice during filming, or letting them sing live while filming the scenes. .

All the actors lent themselves, with as much fear as pleasure, to the exercise and succeeded in transmitting an overflowing energy which is felt in the film. Add to that a heavenly setting, summer heat and heart-pounding love stories and you get a delightful musical comedy.

We dare you not to sing or dance to Mamma Mia!, which features ABBA’s greatest hits, and is one of the best musicals of the 2000s. The box office success has been such – 615.7 million raised – that a karaoke version was even released in theaters.

So if you’re an ABBA fan and want to sing along to the songs from the movie, hurry up. You only have one week left to catch up with Mamma Mia! on Netflix. The musical leaves the platform’s catalog on February 28.

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