Netflix: only one week left to see the film that made DiCaprio a legend

The Revenant will leave the catalog in a short week. The opportunity to (re) see the film that allowed DiCaprio to win his first Oscar.

Three years after its arrival on Netflix, The Revenant leaves the catalog on November 1st. Oscar for best feature film in 2016, it is one of the best films adapted from a novel according to AlloCiné viewers. Imagined by Michael Punke, it centers on trapper Hugh Glass as he is left for dead by members of his own crew after being brutally attacked by a bear. Hollywood seized on the idea in 2001, but we had to wait until 2016 to see it on the big screen.

After several passes between director and actors, it is finally the Mexican Alejandro González Iñárritu who inherits the project and who directs on this occasion a Leonardo DiCaprio ready to give everything to get his Oscar. And even to eat”regular raw bison liveras he confessed during the promotion.

It must be said that the filming of The Revenant was particularly trying for the whole team. While the film should have been shot in 80 days, it was spread over 9 months, the fault of a capricious weather, the remoteness of the different places and the relentlessness of the director and his director of photography. Emmanuel Lubezki who only wanted to shoot with real light (to accentuate the realism of the scenes). A wise choice that allowed him to walk away with the Oscar for best photography.

If this film made the actor enter the legend thanks to this golden statuette which had eluded him for years (and which became the subject of a same on social networks), the shooting transformed him. He even describes it as the “hardest of his career“. Because he didn’t just eat raw meat for breakfast. To get closer to his character, he also “slept in animal carcasses“and waded in”frozen rivers“. Brrr.

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