Netflix: Set up parental controls – this is how you use the youth protection PIN and set the age limit


With a wide range of offers, Netflix is ​​a streaming service for the whole family. However, in addition to child-friendly programs, there is also content with sex and violence. Below you will find out how to set up a four-digit PIN as parental control on Netflix.

Movies and series of various genres are available to you on Netflix for a fixed price. Here you will also find programs that are suitable for children. This makes Netflix a good alternative to TV channels like KiKA or Nickelodeon. But what if the little ones find a way to switch on the adult content too?

In this case, Netflix offers you a simple protection. You can block selected content with an individual PIN. For this purpose, Netflix categorizes according to different age groups and lets you explicitly ban certain titles.

Set security level

  1. Enter PIN Netflix 4 Enter PIN Netflix 4

    If you follow the steps above, in addition to the assignment of the PIN, you will also see five age groups in which the protection begins. You adjust them with one click.

Block individual content

  1. Enter Netflix PIN 6 Enter Netflix PIN 6

    Do you want to avoid your child watching a certain adult program? Then you can type the title of the movie or series in the search box at the bottom of the page. Click on the title in the list and it will appear highlighted in red below the search box. Then you have to enter the PIN when playing the content.

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