Netflix: this highly anticipated new feature will rest your eyes!

Like all other platforms, Netflix is ​​keen to improve its service and therefore to offer features that make it easier to use. The latest should satisfy more than one!

After removing the “Supreme Me” function that allowed you to randomly launch a movie or series, Netflix has just implemented a new feature that should greatly improve the experience for some subscribers. Especially those who like to watch movies and series in the original version and with subtitles.

Like its competitor Prime Video, Netflix now allows its subscribers to change the size of subtitles. This should make life easier for anyone who has to squint to decipher them. Until now, this subtitle size adjustment was only available for viewing from a web browser.

How to see more clearly?

Now you can also adjust them to your view from your TV. To do this, nothing could be simpler, as Netflix explains on its help Center. After launching the program you want to watch, all you have to do is go to the player controls at the bottom of the screen and select the settings.

Once in the settings, you can choose your size and style preferences. There are three font sizes to choose from. You can even choose to put your subtitles in yellow which allows better readability when the background is very light. Then you just have to resume playing your content.

This is practical for those who do not always want to wear their glasses in front of their television screen – even if it is strongly recommended by ophthalmologists – and for large spaces where the screen is far from the user.

This update is all the more important as Netflix does not systematically offer a French audio version for some of its foreign content. Going through the VOST is then essential.

However, not all languages ​​are affected. The platform warns its subscribers that this feature is not available for the following languages: Arabic, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Hebrew, Japanese, Romanian and Thai.

To your televisions!

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