Netflix will hit very hard with the continuation of this anticipated series

After the horror film Bodies Bodies Bodies, and the first episodes of the last season of Young Royals, Netflix welcomed a big new release which has already been a hit in 2023.

Netflix releases (S12) are of capital importance for the firm with the red N. Starting this week, the SVOD service will launch a series which would have cost between 200 and 300 million dollars, The 3-Body Problem. The new creation from David Benioff and Daniel Weiss, the creators of Game of Thrones. An event that should go well for the platform since press reviews are already extremely positive. The first figures will be decisive for the future, but word of mouth should help as always.

A hit South Korean show returns to Netflix

In the meantime, the next gem (according to press reviews) from the creators of Game of Thrones, Netflix has decided to renew a series like no other. Indeed, the first part of season 2 of the 100% physical episodic show has been available for a few hours. It’s what ? A South Korean reality TV series which was a hit with its season 1, and in which 100 very physically fit candidates compete. “One hundred participants in excellent physical condition compete in a series of extreme challenges. Only one of them will have the honor of being crowned winner and winning the jackpot..

How to decide between the candidates for this Netflix show? By having them participate in events inspired by Greek mythology. This includes fighting in an arena, extreme pull-ups to judge arm strength and other things like that. The only condition is to be in impeccable physical shape, because apart from that, everyone is welcome. And besides, 100% physical mixes several profiles to create different groups, with names easier to remember than the Koh Lanta teams.

Thus, an FBI diplomat can rub shoulders with an MMA athlete, an advertising executive, an actor, a business executive, a YouTuber, a student or even a nurse. There are no rules on this and the casting is therefore very, very varied. There are a total of five groups including “The Warriors” and “The National Athletes”. This season 2 of 100% physical has nine episodes, but Netflix subscribers only have access to the first four at the moment. Episodes 5 to 7 will be available on March 26, and the last two from April 2, 2024. As for a season 3, it has not yet been announced, but if the current season is a hit like the previous one, Netflix will not It won’t be long before we renew the program.

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