Netflix: you may be able to test films and series in preview!

According to the Wall Street Journal, Netflix will allow several lucky people around the world to have preview access to films and series to test them. We tell you everything!

Netflix continues with its new strategy to stem the loss of subscribers and attract more new customers. We learn today from the Wall Street Journal that the American giant intends to extend its tests to thousands of users.

Because you may not know it, but the platform allows a few lucky ones in the United States to preview films, series and documentaries, in order to make any adjustments afterwards. Netflix calls it the “Preview Club”.

Also according to the American site, the leaders intend to extend it internationally and select 10,000 subscribers (out of 223 million) worldwide from the beginning of next year. As much to tell you that your luck is slim, but it exists!

This very select club would have allowed Netflix to make changes to certain programs that have been a hit on the platform – including Sandman (which was shown in preview to Netflix employees) and Don’t Look Up. Adam McKay’s film, which is nevertheless a satire, had moreover been considered too serious by the first spectators.

Netflix is ​​not the only platform to offer this kind of tests. Prime Video proceeds in the same way with its “Amazon Preview” (even in France), as does Disney+/Hulu with their “Hulu Brain Trust”.

To be sure you can be selected, we invite you to do a little manipulation on your account – if you haven’t already done so. By going to the Account section, scroll to the bottom of the page. In the Settings section, click on Participation in tests. All you have to do is activate it!

This new Netflix strategy comes after a series of announcements and measures that will be put in place from 2023. And the first concerns the end of account sharing…

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