Never forget again! – The registration certificate is now available on mobile phones

If the officer asks after the stop, “Do you know why we stopped you?”, you are likely to have additional problems. But even for a routine inspection you have to show the registration certificate. Good luck to those who have it in their car – or more recently on their cell phone!

From now on, in addition to the digital driver’s license, there is also the digital registration certificate, which you can set up on your smartphone – or have to if you want it. Because it doesn’t work automatically. It is also not for data refusers, because you need the “ePassport” app and the ID Austria with the associated “Digital Office” app. During a traffic check, a QR code is generated in the app, which is then scanned by the executive body and stored in its own Device is checked. You can find out how to get the digital registration certificate in the video above. However, the digital version is initially only valid in Austria. Anyone who crosses the border must have the paper certificate with them. In addition, only one person can have the digital registration certificate on their cell phone. Anyone who borrows a car must also get the classic license. But that should change. In addition, all EU states should in future accept digital ID cards according to the common European standard – from 2026.
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