New Amazon Prime Video: films and series to watch in streaming in February 2023

After an impressive month of January, which notably saw the arrival of the long-awaited series The Last of Usthe Amazon Prime Video platform offers many new features in February 2023.

Among these additions, we note the new seasons of Star Trek: Picard and carnival rowseries black heartsthe documentary Clara Luciani: it starts like this and the films of the Jason Bourne franchise.

Before offering you the complete list of new releases in the Amazon Prime Video catalog for February 2023, here is our film and our series of the month.

The series of the month on Prime Video

black hearts

Iraq, October 2016, eve of the battle of Mosul. A French special forces commando is responsible for finding and exfiltrating from the city the daughter and grandson of an important French Islamist official, whom they have captured and who sets this prerequisite for his collaboration.

First meeting between Amazon Prime Video and France Télévisions, the series black hearts is signed by Dang Thai Duong and Corinne Garfin, screenwriters of the Legends Office, just that. A six-episode dive into the heart of a special forces team that promises to intertwine geopolitical tensions, intimate human dramas and intense action scenes. From February 3 on Amazon Prime Video.

  • Watch the series trailer:

Movie of the month on Prime Video

The memory in the skin

A man between life and death is pulled from the ocean by a fishing boat. He suffers from amnesia and has no identity papers on him. The many talents he discovers, fighting techniques and knowledge of several languages ​​suggest a dangerous past. He then engages in a desperate search to find his identity and the reason that drives ruthless assassins to hunt him down.

Released 20 years ago, this first opus of the Jason Bourne franchise will have shaken up the small hierarchy of actioners. Certainly, its basic premise is not the most original, but Doug Liman’s film is a story of espionage and action brilliantly taken across Europe and France. With its political intrigue, its intense scenes and its prestigious international cast (Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Clive Owen, Brian Cox…), The memory in the skin will establish itself as a quality alternative to James Bond, then embodied by the dated Pierce Brosnan. This small revolution will find its confirmation with its sequel The death in the skin (Paul Greengrass, 2004), directly inspired by… Casino Royale. A safe bet to rediscover from February 1 on Amazon Prime Video.

  • Watch the movie trailer:

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