New Caledonia: Manon Aubry believes Macron is “an agent of chaos” and that the situation will not be resolved through “brutality”

Emmanuel Macron is expected in New Caledonia for a risky visit intended to renew the thread of dialogue and accelerate the return to order after a week of riots in the archipelago, targeted on Wednesday by a cyberattack of “unprecedented force “. At the end of a journey of more than 17,000 km, the Head of State must land Thursday morning (local time) in the French territory of the South Pacific, in particular to install a dialogue mission composed of three senior officials. This mission will remain on site “as long as necessary” and “will aim to bring about a local political dialogue with the aim of reaching a global political agreement”, specified Gabriel Attal.

For the occasion, the head of the list of France rebellious in the European elections was the guest of the program “Face à Manon Aubry” this Wednesday evening. At the microphone of Laurence Ferrari and Pierre de Vilno, she returns to this news which is driving the debate in mainland France as well as in the archipelago.

The government has struck a matchbox on New Caledonia

“The first sign of appeasement that I expect from the President of the Republic is the withdrawal of what ignited the powder, that is to say the draft constitutional law which was pushed, imposed by force by the government and which finally shattered 35 years of civil peace in New Caledonia, resulting from the Nouméa agreements”, initially responds the MEP. She believes that the government “took a huge box of matches that it lit” on the archipelago and then came and cried fire. “Now, it is up to them to be responsible, to withdraw the constitutional bill and to bring all stakeholders back to the table to re-engage in dialogue and, collectively, find a way out of this crisis” , demands Manon Aubry at the microphone of Europe 1.

For her, the government cannot ignore the opinion of the population and push through each time. “It creates disorder in the country. I go even further, I think it is Emmanuel Macron who creates chaos in the country. Emmanuel Macron is an agent of chaos. Everything he touches, it creates chaos and the situation in New Caledonia is an illustration of this,” she is indignant. Faced with this, the head of the LFI list believes that the head of state must “demonstrate that he is not simply this agent and must restore order and calm by making a gesture”.

“It’s up to the people to decide”

Faced with the riots and the climate that reigns on the archipelago, Manon Aubry believes that the common destiny must be discussed collectively and cannot be a unilateral decision in Paris, taken against the consent of a large part of the stakeholders of Nouvelle -Caledonia. “You see what the President of the Republic and this government have just done, it is anything but creating a common destiny since it has pitted communities against each other. This is not what we want, That’s not what I want,” she says.

“When you have a much higher unemployment rate and a much higher poverty rate in the Kanak population than in the rest of the population in New Caledonia, there are a lot of issues to address on the archipelago and what I am “sure and what has unfortunately been demonstrated over the last ten days is that we do not resolve a political situation with brutality. We resolve it with solutions, with political proposals”, underlines Manon Aubry. And the latter insists on the fact that the rupture between the peoples was introduced by a unilateral decision from Paris. “You know, I have always defended the right of people to self-determination. So, that means that it will be up to the people to decide how they will organize things,” she concludes.

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