New Caledonia: Marine Le Pen for a compromise, contrary to the historic positioning of the RN

Alexandre Chauveau // Photo credits: ED JONES / AFP

While her party is historically in favor of New Caledonia loyalists, Marine Le Pen made more measured remarks. The president of the National Rally, however, pleaded Thursday evening for a compromise between the loyalists and the Kanak people.

She had been relatively discreet since the start of this crisis in New Caledonia, Marine Le Pen spoke. The National Rally approved the constitutional revision of the archipelago in the National Assembly. While historically, the RN has always defended the loyalists, the president of the party, invited on France 2 Thursday evening, is pleading this time to find a compromise.

The National Rally demands a form of pragmatism in the face of the situation in New Caledonia. The party defends not only the thaw of the electorate, but also a global agreement with economic and institutional prospects for the island, and in particular the holding of a new referendum on independence in 40 years. Marine Le Pen says she is less dogmatic than the National Front was on the subject with, she says, the concern not to hurt anyone.

“You have to take time”

In the event of accession to the Élysée in 2027, she promises a “win-win” compromise, taking into account the aspirations and traditions of the Kanaks and their attachment to their land. The position taken may be surprising, but Marine Le Pen denies having changed her mind. “For the loyalists, that would actually mean not listening to the Kanaks and taking the risk of civil war, assures the president of the RN. I believe that there are many loyalists who do not want that. They want to find a path and for that, you have to take time.”

This desire to display a form of moderation on the subject is already criticized by opponents of the National Rally. “In the name of appeasement, they actually submit to violence,” Eric Zemmour reacted on X.

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