New corona rules – no more exit controls in Upper Austria from Monday

As the 13th district in Upper Austria, exit controls in Steyr apply from midnight on Saturday – but that will stop again from Monday! As a meeting of the federal and state governments on Friday evening in Vienna revealed, the high incidence decree is history. Furthermore, there will be nationwide tightening from Monday – the 2G rule will come into force throughout Austria.

There are currently exit controls in a total of 13 districts in Upper Austria; the affected districts can only be left with a 3G certificate. But these will come to an end by the weekend – this is one of the results of the meeting of the federal and state governments on Friday evening in Vienna. The high incidence decree will be suspended on Monday, November 8th, announced Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens). The capacities of the executive would be needed to control the 2G rules, according to Mückstein.

Furthermore, the 2.5 G rule in Upper Austria, which was only presented on Thursday, is no longer applicable because, as announced on Friday evening, the 2G rule will apply throughout Austria from Monday. And that everywhere where the 3G rule has previously applied.

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