New crypto hype: Why RWA coins are just taking off

The RWA coin sector has not only existed since last week. But what caused the recent price increases? BTC-ECHO market expert Stefan Lübeck and presenter Peter Büscher highlight some prominent examples of this crypto sector. What are the reasons behind the current rally, what advantages does the tokenization of real world assets have and in which areas is it particularly used?

Spot ETFs without influence on spot price?

The approval of Bitcoin spot ETFs is generally seen as the starting signal for Bitcoin’s rally to its last all-time high at $73,000. But do the purchases by BlockRock, Fidelity and Co. really influence the Bitcoin price? We analyze the market mechanisms and classify them for you.

At the end, as always, you will receive all the important dates of this week as well as the currently relevant price targets for Bitcoin on the top and bottom.

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