new free content to grab, you’ll love it

The Sims 4 is once again offering you free content to grab now. It will be perfect for spending a great summer and sunbathing, you will love it.

The Sims have something to worry about since many competitors are looming on the horizon. Like inZOI by the Korean giant Krafton (to whom we owe in particular PUBG or The Callisto Protocol, without forgetting Life by You, by Paradox or the next secret game from veterans ofXCOM. But Sims fans rest assured, a Sims 5 is also on the way. But in the meantime, free content for The Sims 4 awaits you.

Free content for The Sims 4!

To be collected via the SDX (Sims Delivery Xpress) platform, established a while ago now, there are a myriad of new summer clothes for your Sims that can be collected for free. Swimsuits in various colors that you can wear to take a dip in the pool under the blazing sun, or to stroll on your terrace. Completely free, this content is available now for PC and consoles.

These jerseys are only the first wave of a multitude of content planned to be deployed throughout the summer on The Sims 4. EA had already announced its roadmap to us with no less than 4 content updates, including packs expansions, new thematic kits or even events. All of this will be available to discover soon on consoles and PC.

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