New genre on stage – rapping instead of singing in the state theater

Adventure, but please with responsibility! Under this motto, the Salzburg State Theater presented its new program for the 2024/2025 season on Thursday. Particular focus: the young audience. After all, children and young people already make up around 25 percent of the audience in the Salzburg State Theater.

So it’s hardly surprising that social media will even make it onto the stage in the coming season. For example in the piece “WhatsApp Stories”. Author and director Ronnie Brodetzky deals exclusively with short and voice messages from football team, parent and family chat groups, among others. The audience quickly moves with the protagonists through the complex emotional worlds. The virtual world is also the focus of the musical “Mindcraft”. Based on a well-known computer game, the musical version is also about the complex world of online games. House composer Carolin Anna Pichler creates her own musical framework for this. If you prefer more classic musicals, you can look forward to “Hair” and “The Rocky Horror Show” in the coming season. Completely new paths are being taken with “Hip-Hopera” – a mixture of opera and hip hop . Spoken word meets classical orchestral music in “The Endz”. The directors Christine Arnold and Patricia Pfisterer stage the contemporary work. The target audience here too: clearly young people.
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