new information that will not reassure you

Ubisoft has been in the news a lot lately, but what about its colossal project that is Beyond Good & Evil 2? The situation would apparently be chaotic.

In the absence of official announcements from the French giant for a long time, we must therefore make do with rumors, rumors from the corridors and testimonial reports regarding Beyond Good & Evil 2. It is therefore advisable to take all this data with a cautious grain of salt. . That said, the general consensus is this: the game seems to be stuck in development hell.

A development fraught with problems for Beyond Good & Evil 2

Remember in 2008, when Ubisoft announced with a rather good reception the development of a Beyond Good & Evil 2. We saw the endearing Pey’j, visibly looking for Jade. This seems to have disappeared for many years, since we only heard about the game again at E3 2017. The project was in any case until 2020 headed by the influential Michel Ancel. The last time we saw the game in action and man, it was during a gameplay demo in 2019. Michel Ancel jumped ship in 2020, and it’s been near radio silence around this ever since. colossal project.

According to the latest rumors, the development of Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still floundering to this day. It would still be in the pre-production phase. Worse still, the idea of ​​a vast galaxy to visit in the latest gameplay demo would have made very little progress. However, it would not be a mistake to present the state of the game each year in order to obtain the green light for entry into production, which would make it possible to recruit more people. Ubisoft Montpelier, in charge of the development of the title, has indeed experienced a real exodus of employees. A large part of the original team in 2017 would have little by little followed Michel Ancel and taken the door.

Eyes bigger than your stomach and a cancellation in sight?

After so many years of development that hardly seems any further along, we can legitimately ask ourselves the question of the fate of Beyond Good & Evil 2. It seems, however, that the higher authorities at Ubisoft are not ready to pull the plug. Originally, it was apparently a “vanity project” to impress the Bolloré group, at a time when it was considering absorbing the French giant. Now that Tencent has invested shares in the company, the status quo would remain the same.

Especially since canceling a project as colossal as Beyond Good & Evil 2 is not done as easily as a free to play game like the recently abandoned The Division Heartland. In this case, this would involve reassigning around a hundred developers to other projects. Thus, what was supposed to be a technical lesson on the part of Ubisoft meets the same fate as Skull & Bones in the past: a boat that takes on water, and which is bailed out just enough so that it does not sink. Let us hope, however, that these recent reports and rumors do not reflect reality and that its development is ultimately progressing better than expected. In any case, that’s all we wish for the Ubisoft Montpelier teams.

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