New insurer Alan wins health coverage for at least 60,000 civil servants

A symbolic victory that makes one cringe. The “neo insurer” Alan is now certain of winning the market for health coverage for agents of the ministries of ecological transition and territorial cohesion, energy transition and the State Secretariat for the Sea. Or at least 60,000 people, and potentially 140,000 including beneficiaries and retirees, who will have one year to accept or not his proposal.

The administrative court of Cergy-Pontoise (Val-d’Oise) in fact rejected, on Wednesday June 5, the request for interim relief from the mutual insurance company MGEN, which had participated in the call for tenders and contested the method of rating the different proposals received by the ministry.

This contract is one of the most important awarded to date in view of the progressive application, from 1er January 2025, of the reform of supplementary health protection (PSC) for civil servants, i.e. some 5.8 million agents and several million beneficiaries.

A huge potential market

A huge potential market for insurers, including Alan, already winner in November 2023 of the call for tenders launched by the National Assembly for coverage of parliamentary collaborators, i.e. some 3,000 people.

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For the French insurance unicorn, which currently has some 500,000 policyholders, the gain from the Ministry of Ecological Transition obviously represents a development accelerator on which it is banking heavily.

“These public calls for tenders are very structured, very objective. We decided very early on to make significant investments to be able to offer very differentiated offers, ensuring both better service and very competitive management fees”, explains Jean-Charles Samuelian, co-founder and general director. Even if it means moving the company a little away from its “all-digital” model: the policyholders concerned will thus be able to join by completing a paper form.

But the game is clearly worth it. “We will undoubtedly exceed our objectives in 2024, with growth in the number of insured people and our income greater than 40%”welcomes Mr. Samuelian, who confirms that he is aiming for profitability in France in 2025 and for all activities in 2026.

“Foreign financing”

In 2023, the company lost 59 million euros, after having lost 72 million in 2022. But more than its financial solidity, it is its turnaround which worries the public service unions.

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