new investigations in the coming weeks?

Émile has still not been found since his disappearance on July 8, in the hamlet of Haut-Vernet. 6 months later, are new investigations planned by the investigators?

On July 8, 2023, little Émile disappeared in the village of Haut-Vernet, while he was on vacation with his grandparents. Despite numerous searches, no trace of the little boy and no real explanation as to what could have happened. But 6 months later, investigators do not lose hope of solving this enigma. But where is the investigation? According to information from BFMTV, two investigating judges based in Aix-en-Provence are still leading the investigations.

And 15 investigators of the Marseille research section are working day and night on this case. Analyzes are still in progress. As a reminder, on November 7, 36 homes were searched in Vernet and other villages. However, no element has made it possible to advance the investigation, despite seizure of computers and cell phones. Currently, investigators “are working on all the people who were present in the hamlet of Haut-Vernet at the time of the events”according to BFM DICI.

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Disappearance of Émile: update on the investigation 6 months later

According to the latest information, 3 avenues are still being studied to explain Émile’s disappearance. The first being a possible accident followed by hiding the body. The second is that the child would have been kidnapped by a passing person in the small village. And finally the third track is the family trail. As a reminder, no police custody has taken place since the start of the investigation. A young 16-year-old farmer was interviewed and searched several times because he was described as suspicious by other residents.

Furthermore, the young man would have argued with Émile’s grandfather the morning of his disappearance. According to the latest information from BFM DICI, further investigations are planned in the coming weeks. And this is due to the winter climate which makes less dense vegetation. Indeed, when a body is found somewhere in nature, it is easier to locate it during the winter.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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