new leaks for the next games, it will divide

A new rumor announces a big change to the estimated release date for the 10th generation of Pokemon. Early fans risk being destabilized…

The latest games, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, marked the revival of the main iterations of the franchise. Accompanied at the end of 2023 by their DLC, they continue to delight fans. It must be said that this ninth generation of pocket monsters brings a real breath of fresh air to an effective, but hackneyed, formula.

From then on, players are curious to see what the next generation will have in store for them! Especially since, since the very first opus in 1996, each new generation arrives three years after the previous one. In this sense, we should see a new video game duo land on our consoles next year… unless the plans of Nintendo And Game Freak have changed?

New leaks to capture around the 10th generation of Pokemon

The Pokemon calendar has been overbooked lately, with new spin-offs which unfold. So it seems that there are traffic jams for the release of 10G… This is in any case what Centro LEAKS, the account X | Twitter specializing in news from Nintendo’s successful franchise.

According to the account’s information, the three-year dynamic between two generations of Pokemon, which has lasted for almost 15 years now, may well be broken with the next one. In fact, we shouldn’t have the new main opuses before… 2026! Symbolically, this would coincide with the 30e birthday of the franchise and why not a release of what we call “Nintendo Switch 2”, the next Nintendo console?

Screenshot from May 21, 2024. © Gameblog.

The leak also provides information on other expected games, which would further justify this “delay” of 10G. In fact, the return of collectible card game in video game form would be the big Pokémon release of 2024. The first game of its kind in the universe of pocket monsters was released at the time on GameBoy Color. Since then, it’s been completely calm… But Nintendo seems to have decided to bring the formula back to the fore with a dedicated animated series and the entry of the original game into the Nintendo Switch Online catalog.

Next, we expect to see the second iteration of a new model in the franchise: Pokemon Legends ZA. Following Arceus, this new part should plunge us into the past of the sixth generation. Announced during the last Pokemon Presents, Z-1 is planned for 2025. However, Centro LEAKS invites us not to expect it too early next year…

Let’s hope, therefore, that this extended development time for the tenth Pokemon generation will make it possible to offer more stable games. We are counting on Game Freak and the Pokémon Company not to repeat the mistake of Scarlet and Violet, released with as many bugs as the Pokedex can list creatures… What’s more for such an important birthday!

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