New location in Linz – XXXLutz brings Pocher and Lafer to the housewarming party

It’s dusty, it’s loud, but there’s also a lot of progress going on: work on the furniture retail giant’s new store in Linz is on the home stretch. Mömax opens next to the railway bridge in mid-May, XXXLutz follows on May 21st. Johann Lafer and Oliver Pocher will also be there. On Monday there was a first look behind the scenes at the location.

The air conditioning is in operation, furniture is standing, pictures and lamps are hanging, screens too. At times it seems as if the new XXXLutz location in the port will get started in just a few days. There is still a lot to do – in, in front of and on the building. “The work on the facade, for example, is only just beginning now, but it will all work out,” says Christian Fischer, head of the construction department. In mid-May, a Mömax with 5,500 will be built right next to the stadium of the Blau-Weiß Linz football club square meters of sales space, the 24,500 square meter XXXLutz will open on May 21st. “A project close to our hearts” “Linz is a project close to our hearts,” emphasizes company spokesman Thomas Saliger. The furniture retail giant, which operates from Wels, is investing 60 million euros in the new furniture store and is also significantly increasing the number of employees. If there are 100 employees at the previous location on Goethestrasse, where the sales are taking place, there will be 100 employees at the one next to the railway bridge then be 250. “We will also be training 25 apprentices here,” reveals area sales manager Dietmar Hasenöhrl. From the restaurant terrace you can see the playing field. The dealer’s warehouse is located under the football arena. You can even catch a glimpse of the playing field from the terrace of the future XXXL Sky restaurant on the fourth floor.Opening with stars: Lafer and Pocher are coming.Whether the physical proximity will cost customers on match day? “It won’t be so good for our business on some Saturdays because people might avoid our house,” believes Saliger, who will bring a star contingent to “XXXLinz,” as he calls it, for the opening days: star chefs Johann Lafer is coming on May 21st. Comedian Oliver Pocher on May 24th. On Monday, Mayor Klaus Luger was present at the official construction site inspection.
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