New on Dome Keeper

Since its release in September 2022, Dome Keeper continues to improve and enrich itself through several updates. It’s the turn of update 2.4 to make its arrival on the game and this one brings its share of new features.

The Springloaded update thus marks the appearance of three new gadgets to add to your arsenal. The Spire, a rather defensive gadget, helps you manage projectiles sent by monsters. Regarding the attack, an Autocannon is arriving. While it is reminiscent of the stun laser in its behavior, its primary function is to inflict damage. Finally, a new mining assistance tool is also included. It tells you how far you have to go to reach the resources closest to you.

In addition to these new features, Bippinbits has also made many modifications and balances of functions already present. Thus, the probe can now detect caves and chambers for example. The Teleporter also gets an upgrade that allows you to teleport with new items such as Explosive Mines or Diggerspot Treats. The latter seems to become a little more efficient in his way of digging, and instead of falling asleep, he will tremble in fear at the arrival of monsters. To see if this is enough to make it a little more useful.

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