new powers for maximum changes

Life Is Strange 4 is revealed in a long gameplay demonstration, and there will be changes! Discover the heroine’s new powers.

New Life is Strange was announced against all expectations last Sunday, during the Xbox Showcase. Even if the game will be cross-platform, it seems that Microsoft is establishing a particular link with narrative games. Remember, the publisher had granted Tell Me Why, a title of the same genre developed by the creators of the Life is Strange license. Today, he also has the scoop on this announcement, eagerly awaited by fans.

Titled “Double Exposure”, this 4e opus marks the return of the heroine from the very first episode of the license. Maxine Caulfield, known as “Max”, will live a story reminiscent of that of 2015… But, this time, these powers are no longer quite the same. Deck Nine, which took over the license after Don’t Nod, explains what awaits us in this intrigue full of mystery…

Super-Max is back in Life is Strange 4, and she’s leveled up

This Thursday, June 13, Deck Nine had a good three-quarter hour presentation on YouTube to tell us more about Life is Strange Double Exposure. The team, and more particularly Jonathan Stauder (game director) and Felice Kuan (narrative director), thus addressed the gameplay of this new opus.

This new adventure will apparently take a much more police turn than the previous ones. This is, to a certain extent, in line with LIS 3 True Colors. And, this time again, the heroine’s powers will be at the heart of the story. To disentangle fact from fiction and unmask the murderer who murdered his friend Safi, Max will have to… “ move between two realities » !

© Deck Nine Games / Square Enix.

Yes, no more ability to go back in time. This power, acquired after a tragic event in the first Life is Strange, this time gives way to a sort of “ power of perception “. Previously, the game had already introduced us to the idea of ​​alternate realities. Max could also, by concentrating, rejoin a past temporality through a photo. From now on, the heroine is able to perceive the ” veil » which separates the parallel realities. Even more, she is able to cross it to go from one plane to another.

The most fervent fans of the license already know this ability. In fact, Max already presents this power in the Life is Strange comic books. Here, however, it should not be so pushed. It will manifest itself in the form of the appearance of a transparent silhouette that we will see evolve before our eyes. We can then follow this sort of pulsation coming from another world to try to interact with it. More generally, our heroine can see elements of the other reality from the one where she is, and even pass through the rift which bridges two realities.

This ability to navigate from one timeline to another will allow Max to interact with two versions of the characters she meets. Max will therefore have to move from one to the other and play Nancy Drew to solve the mystery behind the murder of her friend. And, of course… your actions will have consequences!

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