New powers, vehicles and enemies in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom trailer

Nintendo released a new trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. More talkative and less cryptic, it allows you to learn more about this highly anticipated sequel.

We finally had the right to new images of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. On the occasion of a Nintendo Direct broadcast on February 8, Nintendo shared a new trailer. It allows us to learn a little more about the plot, and does not fail to reveal hitherto unknown facets of the gameplay. We recall that The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is expected on May 12 on Nintendo Switch.

What to remember from the latest The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom video?

The situation is serious

The name ” Tears of the Kingdom already foreshadowed an alarming tone. The new images confirm it: Hyrule is indeed in grave danger, and the forces of Evil are gathering around a threat that seems very dangerous – even for Link. ” Show yourselves my faithful servants. Set the Kingdom on fire and blood. Destroy Hyrule and anyone connected with its cause. And leave no survivors! can be heard as a war is brewing under a Blood Moon.

Enemies in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom // Source: Nintendo

The few words spoken by Zelda only confirm the state of emergency. In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdomwe may have to face the most powerful enemy Link has ever known.

A mysterious being?

Powerful as he is, I don’t think you can defeat him Zelda blurts out to Link, in spine-chilling pessimism. The hero of Hyrule will obviously need a big helping hand, teased at the end of the trailer. “ Please give him the gift you have “, she lets go. It could be the Goddess Hylia, who already appears in Breath of the Wild in the form of statues (if you bring him four emblems of triumph, you can gain life or stamina). Hylia is very important to the people of Hyrule.

Will Zelda die?

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom can he kill Zelda, one of the main characters of the universe? It is quite possible, and that would give all its meaning to the title of the game. A sequence really sows doubt: we see Link trying to catch up with Zelda, in a possibly fatal fall.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom // Source: Nintendo
RIP Zelda? // Source: Nintendo

Known enemies, others less

Goblins, lizards, pigs… The enemies seen in the trailer are not all exotic. On the other hand, we can stop for a few seconds on the immense colossus that Link must fight. He is 100% unique. Will we be entitled to epic and dantesque clashes worthy of Shadow of the Colossus ? That would be a hell of a novelty.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom // Source: Nintendo
A big colossus in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom // Source: Nintendo

New powers, of course

Previous videos from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom already showed the powers that can be used in this sequel (the manipulation of time, for example). The new trailer mainly focuses on Link’s right hand, which appears to be altered. It will allow, for example, to do without the large magnet to move objects at a distance. We also see Link sending homing bullets or calling on some kind of cannon to fire explosive devices.

Lots of ways to get around

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will rely on travel on land and in the air. And Link will be able to count on something other than his horse and his paraglider to go where he wants. There will obviously be lots of different vehicles, like a cart or a glider drone. We also see a hot air balloon and the possibility of sliding on rails.

Create your own adventure in a world where you can let your imagination run wild “, can we read on the official website. Will we be able to create our own means of transport?

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom // Source: Nintendo
Wouldn’t that be a wheel? // Source: Nintendo

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