new revelation from Harry about a tense exchange with Kate

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With the publication of Prince Harry’s Memoirs, many situations are finally clear, including what happened between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton.

The revelations never end. Since their departure from the royal family in March 2020, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have not stopped talking about them. In question, the relationship of the couple with the rest of the royal family. Among the many disputes, the British press had echoeda dispute between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton, which had the effect of making Prince William’s wife cry. In his book SparePrince Harry looks back on the preparations for the wedding and the conflict between his sister-in-law and the one who would become his wife.

Lady Diana’s son reveals he found his fiancée having sex “sob” on the floor a few days before the wedding. In question, the messages sent by the Princess of Wales about the dress intended for her daughter for the wedding. “Charlotte’s dress is too big, too long and too baggy”wrote Kate Middleton adding that the young princess had cried trying it on.

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The stress of Meghan and Harry’s royal wedding

“I was horrified to see her so upset, but I figured it wasn’t a disaster, recognizes the prince in his Memoirs. Emotions were heightened after the stress of the last week, the last month, the last day.” In particular, the conflict between Meghan Markle and her father about his lack of an invitation and his statements in the press. “Kate had meant no harm”, assures the father of Archie and Lilibet. He also specifies that the next day, his sister-in-law is came to apologize and brought flowers to the future bride.


Culture, fashion, sport, health, gastronomy, many subjects fascinate Louise, especially when they relate to societal issues. From the latest fashion show to the new series release, she dissects the news and…

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