New vehicles, arrival of the Cybertruck in Europe, Tesla Optimus… Our recap of the Tesla conference

Camille Coirault

June 15, 2024 at 12:47 p.m.


Musk held the microphone for more than an hour and a half.  © Tesla / YouTube

Musk held the microphone for more than an hour and a half. © Tesla / YouTube

On June 13, Tesla’s big boss spoke at Tesla’s annual shareholder meeting. Investors, analysts, journalists and fans of the manufacturer were able to listen to Musk speak about the brand’s future projects.

It was a big day for Mr. Musk; after having won the victory over his shareholders regarding his remuneration plan, the businessman was also to hold his annual conference during the day. A formal meeting between the company and its shareholders which takes place for several reasons: review of financial performance, vote on shareholder proposals and strengthening of their confidence (this year is not a good year for Telsa) and above all , communication of the company’s future plans.

New vehicles in preparation

At this pivotal event, Musk cleverly piqued interest by revealing intriguing shots of three new vehicles, carefully hidden under white sheets (at 1:07:44 of the video above). “ Obviously we’re working on some new products behind the scenes and I think they’re going to be really special. […] At first people might say “oh, it won’t be that great”, but wait a while, you’ll see » he punctuated, closing the slide.

One of them could turn out to be some sort of minivan, while the other two seem to announce very classic vehicles. However, Musk promised to lift the veil on August 8 on one of these vehicles, most likely the robotaxi, an autonomous shuttle. These new creations, planned for the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025, are of prime importance for Tesla to renew its somewhat aging range. Indeed, although the Models 3 and Y are selling like hotcakes, in the long term, they will not be enough to carry the company alone.

The development of these new vehicles is essential for Tesla, which aspires to diversify and maintain its lead in an increasingly competitive market. Musk insisted on the importance of accelerating the launch schedule, a major challenge for a company often criticized for its delays (Semi Truck or Cybertruck in particular).

The Cybertruck arrives on the Old Continent

Musk also addressed the burning issue of the arrival of the gigantic Cybertruck on the European market, certainly the manufacturer’s most controversial vehicle. “ People sometimes have differing opinions about the Cybertruck. But if you really want to know if something is cool, if it’s a great product, show it to a kid. Children have no filter, like a 5 or 6 year old, or even a 3 year old, and ask them “Which car do you prefer?” The Cybertruck! » joked Musk (1:02:15 of the lecture).

However, Musk confidently confirmed that Tesla is making intensive efforts to obtain certification in other markets, including Europe, in the coming months. Initially designed to meet the specific needs of the North American market, the Cybertruck will have to undergo many transformations in order to comply with European standards, which are much stricter in terms of pedestrian safety. This metamorphosis promises to be complex, but Musk remains convinced of its success.

Let it be said: seeing the Cybertruck driving on a wide Texan road is not shocking, we are in the USA after all. Imagining it weaving through the narrow streets of cities like Toulouse or Paris is something else. Especially since the angular shapes of its bodywork are absolutely not approved for it to be able to travel on our roads. If the Cybertruck one day arrives here, it certainly won’t have the same look.

The monster will land its wheels well in Europe, but will have to adapt a little © Tesla

The monster will land its wheels well in Europe, but will have to adapt a little © Tesla

Optimus: Tesla’s perfect new intern

Musk spent a lot of time on the development of the Optimus humanoid robot. “ In a very short time, we have made a lot of progress with Optimus ” did he declare. Tesla could one day produce the impressive sum of 100 million robots per year ”, a dizzying figure that could generate astronomical profits of 1,000 billion dollars.

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs: Optimus is already in service © Tesla

You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs: Optimus is already in service © Tesla

We have two Optimuses in our Fremont factory already working. They take cells from the end of production lines and place them in shipping containers » Musk explained. By 2025, the CEO said several thousand Optimus could already be busy in Telsa factories. Proof that the company is resolutely banking on automation and artificial intelligence to increase its efficiency.

As usual, Musk was perfectly confident about the future of his company: enthusiastic statements, jokes and very frequent use of superlatives. Optimism and unshakeable assurance which are undeniably part of its brand image. However, the future of Tesla and its economic model is not obvious, especially given the events of recent weeks (drop in share prices, production problems, SEC investigation into the acquisition of Twitter). . If investors continue to turn their backs on it, the coming months could be more complicated than expected.

Sources: Youtube, Clean Automotive, Clean Technica

Camille Coirault

Camille Coirault

Once I woke up in the boat arriving in Morrowind, I got my finger in the gear. Another of my fingers was also stuck between the pages of books by classic authors: Charles Baud...

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