New WhatsApp Features: These 3 things are now changing for everyone

New WhatsApp functions
Those three things are now changing with WhatsApp

New WhatsApp functions: The last update brings a lot of changes.


The current update of the WhatsApp messenger service brings changes for sticker lovers and users who use the app on a PC or laptop.

A lot has happened at the former Facebook group in the past few days and weeks. Founder Mark Zuckerberg made public on October 28th that the parent company Facebook will be called “Meta” from now on. But also the family members of the company, i.e. Instagram, WhatsApp and Co., seem to be constantly developing. In November there is now an update for the WhatsApp messenger service, which stands out with three new functions.

New WhatsApp Features: These things are possible from now on

On November 1st, WhatsApp announced on Twitter which new features would simplify the use of the service from now on. They not only affect mobile users on the smartphone, but also relate to the web version of the app. There is something for everyone! You can find out in the video which new functions are available through the update.

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