New World: Despite a free weekend, Amazon’s mmo remains at a standstill

If you still want to participate in the event, the free weekend is extended until Monday April 11 on New World. You will thus be able to observe with your own eyes the desert which extends in the 60 new servers opened for the occasion, most hardly reaching ten players. Big blow for the MMORPG from Amazon Games that sees its end is approaching faster and faster.

60 empty servers is 60 times sadder.

Is the game definitively buried?

Faced with the competition of recent weeks, it is difficult to hold on for New World. Lost Ark came to siphon off mmo players and the release ofElden Ring was a thunderclap in the video game industry, attracting a huge amount of gamers in its nets. Even the more casual players who had been able to let themselves be convinced by Amazon Games’ simplistic mmo are now more satisfied with Kirby and the Forgotten World which also has the advantage of being much less time-consuming.

A “free weekend” type event was therefore in the idea a good commercial operation, but ultimately the cold shower will have been there. Full of confidence, the publisher had opened sixty new servers for the occasion to welcome players, but these remained almost empty. Even though the trend is green for New World this weekend, the increase in population on the game is counted in a few hundred new connections, no more. There is a peak of connections on Saturday at 36,364 players compared to 35,112 the previous week (source: SteamDB), the gain is therefore not significant at all.

The studio had however put all the chances on its side by deploying a new update the day before the event, thus adding a new weapon but above all a new dungeon that the free weekend would have made it possible to test. Finally, the results of this experience are rather sad, and if such a publicity stunt is not enough to bring players together, we will have to ask questions with far-reaching consequences at Amazon Games.

Heart of Madness will not be enough to win players back.  - New World
Heart of Madness will not be enough to win players back.

A saving update or a nail in the coffin?

As of November 2021, the game receives one major update per month. The latter bring their share of new content, the ones that work best being new weapons and new dungeons. On March 28, the extension “heart of madness” had allowed a slight rebound in the number of connections, with in particular theaddition of the blunderbussbut despite all these efforts, players seem to have deserted the New World servers for good.

One of the main reasons is that these monthly updates do not bring not enough patches and that the community has been complaining for too long now about annoying bugs.

The next step for Amazon Games is just around the corner, as next April 12 begins the special Easter event. If success is still not there, it’s a miracle or at least a brilliant idea that developers will need to prevent their game from sinking into oblivion. So we meet within a month to take stockunless New World has filed it by then…


On the occasion of the deployment of the competitive Proving Grounds of Lost Ark in Europe and America, new Twitch Drops are appearing, including an exclusive mount and many Amethyst Fragments. One thing to do: follow your favorite streamers on Twitch during the event!

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