New Year, Omicron: where and how to follow the announcements of Jean Castex and Olivier Véran online this Monday evening

While France is experiencing an outbreak of covid cases and the arrival of the Omicron variant, an exceptional defense council followed by a council of ministers took place on December 27, 2021. The government must decide between taking additional measures or waiting again .

A few days before the new year, the health situation continues to tighten in France, because of the Delta variant of the coronavirus, but also Omicron which is becoming more and more present. The symbolic milestone of 100,000 daily positive covid cases was crossed on Christmas Day, and the trend is not abating.

The government is holding a defense council on Monday, December 27, 2021, followed by a council of ministers, which is rare during the “in-between” holiday period. We already know that the executive has planned to discuss its draft law on the vaccine pass (which would replace the current health pass), which it wishes to see voted by Parliament by January 15, 2022.

Jean Castex and Olivier Véran, December 2, 2021 // Source: Government / YouTube

Where and how can you follow Jean Castex and Olivier Véran’s press conference online?

  • When ? Prime Minister and Minister of Health will speak Monday 27 December 2021 at 7 p.m., after the Defense Council and the Council of Ministers.
  • How? ‘Or’ What ? Like all ministerial speeches, this one was broadcast live by the websites of the 24-hour news channels. You could follow it on the BFMTV, FranceInfo and LCI websites. The conference was filmed live on social networks, particularly on the Twitter account of the Ministry of Health and on that of Jean Castex.

We’ll put the link to the live video as soon as we get it.

What to expect as announcements?

There is currently uncertainty over what action could be taken. It is possible that these are only reminders of the rules, while refusing to go further (postpone the start of the school year by a week for example). If fears of a curfew for New Year’s Eve are circulating, nothing serious has yet been formalized.

On the other hand, it could be that the government reinstates the wearing of masks, even outdoors, and even if the scientific utility of such a measure would have very little impact on the spread of a virus that is mainly transmitted in closed places. It could be a “symbolic” measure to make the French aware that the times are serious.

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