Culture news “An extraordinary work” Christopher Nolan is fascinated by this war film with Sean Connery (James Bond) released almost 60 years ago
In 2023, Christopher Nolan dazzled and even blew us away with the release of the film Oppenheimer. Multi-awarded, the feature film would never have been the same if the director of the Batman trilogy had not scrupulously studied this film released almost 60 years ago. There we could find one of the greatest James Bonds of the saga (Sean Connery) and many of the elements that made the strength of Nolan’s Oscar-winning feature film.
As everyone knows, the feature film Oppenheimer was a consecration for director Christopher Nolan : Oscar for best film, Oscar for best direction… Even the actors of the film (Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr.) received the prestigious award awarded by the American academy, making the feature film, which approached the billion mark dollars in revenue, a total success. However, Christopher Nolan had to find inspiration somewhere to achieve such a masterpiece, and it is in particular in the filmography of filmmaker Sidney Lumet that he found his happiness.
After some research, it’s mostly the feature film The Hill of Lost Men from 1965 (The Hillin the original version) which caught his attention. It must be said that this film is often considered to be Sidney Lumet’s best production and one of the most striking performances of… Sean Connery. Yes, one of the most iconic James Bonds starred in this film, which takes the form of a war drama set in the middle of the Second World War and takes place in a British disciplinary camp in North Africa.. On site, the soldiers pay the price for their insubordination and are subjected to a whole host of dehumanizing situations.
The Hill of Lost Men is an “incredible work” according to Christopher Nolan
Beyond the power of this film, it was above all the technical skill that Lumet demonstrated during filming that amazed Christopher Nolanincluding how to use the camera and film certain scenes. An inspiration that Nolan was looking for during scenes between several characters in closed and cramped environments. Regardless, watching this film had a major importance in the making of the film Oppenheimer and Christopher Nolan does not hold back in praising it, going so far as to designate it as a “ extraordinary work “.
That being said, there are two details that amazed Christopher Nolan, it’s the black and white aesthetic as well as the many camera movements used (knowing that the Steadicam device did not yet exist at the time). Ultimately, those aren’t the only similarities that The Hill of Lost Men And Oppenheimer since the films ultimately turn out to be very similar in their themes, showing us in particular men who rebel against authority and are dragged through the mud as a token of reprisal. Rated 7.8 out of 10 on the IMDb site, The Hill of Lost Men is a major film that you can find for rental on Amazon, Filmo and Apple TV.
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