News culture Brad Pitt plays a psychopath in this thriller and it’s finally available on Amazon Prime Video

Culture news Brad Pitt plays a psychopath in this thriller and it’s finally available on Amazon Prime Video

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Before starring in hits like Seven or Fight Club, Brad Pitt played a psychopath in the cinema.

An actor whose career it is no longer necessary to recall, Brad Pitt is the incarnation of “handsome american guy”. He has played hero archetypes in many films, ranging from Troy to the recent Bullet Train. But despite some rather dubious characters that he was able to interpret in the past, none are crazier than Early Grayce in Dominic Sena’s very strange Kalifornia.

An unrecognizable Brad Pitt

First film from a director who did not have a very long career, Kalifornia tells the story of two students fascinated by serial killers who go on a road trip to visit certain crime zones. They will meet Early Grayce, played by Brad Pitt, and his friend Adele. It’s when we learn that Early is a paroled criminal that the actor’s madness comes into play. Don’t expect a sanitized madman like you see in many films, there will be deaths here. Indeed, Brad Pitt’s murder is not an economy of means. With a wild interpretation, he did not hesitate to tarnish his image even though his career had barely begun. For the most curious among you, Kalifornia is available now on Amazon Prime Video.

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Playing madness, a rare performance?

Even if Brad Pitt’s performance is notable, it is not a rare thing to see a renowned actor completely go out of his range. It’s an opportunity for them to show the general public everything they can do, because they are sometimes too locked into the same type of role. We can cite Natalie Portman in the excellent Black Swan by Darren Aronofsky. Interpreting a dancer from New York City, she does everything (literally everything) to play the lead role in Swan Lake. Between reality and hallucinations, physical and moral violence, Natalie Portman gives us a performance that is as frightening as it is captivating. And there are many other actors who have played crazy people in the cinema. Christian Bale in American Psycho, Anthony Hopkins in Hannibal or even Tobey Maguire in the recent Babylon, they were all able to show their acting talent by playing each other’s more unstable characters. ”’

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