News culture “I made a mistake”: Harrison Ford refused to star in this film, his replacement won the Oscar for Best Actor

Culture news “I made a mistake”: Harrison Ford refused to star in this film, his replacement won the Oscar for Best Actor

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Harrison Ford refused to star in this film, thus allowing George Clooney to win the Oscar for Best Actor and still regrets it!

An actor at the top

It is no longer necessary to present Harrison Ford, the actor having played major roles. The general public knows him especially for his character Han Solo in the Star Wars franchise and for his role as Indiana Jones in the eponymous films”””. Moreover, despite his 80th birthday, the actor continues to play the adventurers in The Dial of Destiny, the last part of the saga. With his impressive filmography, Ford even managed to join the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. However, it’s a different story when it comes to his nominations. Even with his notable roles, he was only nominated for an Academy Award once as Best Actor for his performance in 1986’s Witness.

Finally, the reward was snatched from him and given to William Hurt in Kiss of the Spider Woman. This is not the only prize that escaped Harrison Ford, who admits to having made a mistake. When you’re Harrison Ford, you have a busy schedule and it’s impossible to take on every role.

Casting error

Eventually, the actor is forced to make bets and reject certain offers. Unfortunately, the Star Wars star missed an opportunity that he still regrets, because it allowed George Clooney to win an Oscar. A reward that Ford would have liked to have in his possession. This miss concerns the film Syriana and his main role, which he refused. As a reminder, the film has a rather unique structure that encompasses several stories, all linked to manipulations of various parties involved in the global oil industry, revealing the dark connections between politics, espionage and economics. It must be recognized that this original pitch kept many critics in suspense, who then acclaimed it. However, at the time, Harrison Ford didn’t really believe in director Stephen Gaghan’s ambitious project.

“I was not sufficiently convinced of the veracity of the material and I think I made a mistake. I think the movie went through some changes and I think a lot of it is very justified,” Harrison Ford told Irish Reporter. Finally, the actor admitted that refusing this role was one of the mistakes of his career.

Furthermore, in 2005, when the feature film was released, he was going through a difficult period. He released no films that year and had only just finished filming Hollywood Homicide, which was a real failure. The project he began the following year, Firewall, fared no better. Ironically, he then followed it up with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. A bet that should have been won in advance for Ford, which was returning to its comfort zone. Except that this episode is still today one of the most criticized in the saga.

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