News culture “I needed an anti-inflammatory every day” Norman Reedus suffered on the set of this John Wick film

Culture news “I needed an anti-inflammatory every day” Norman Reedus suffered on the set of this John Wick film

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Contrary to what one might have thought, John Wick 4 does not mark the end of the saga. On the contrary, many spin-offs are being developed such as Ballerina with Ana de Armas in the title role. This new version promises to be as exciting as the basic material as the filming seems to have been intense according to Norman Needus who participated in it.

This is far from the end for John Wick!

John Wick is the essential action film saga of the 2010s. With its spectacular choreography and high-octane action, these feature films with Keanu Reeves in the title role quickly achieved cult status. thanks to their irrefutable popularity. While John Wick 4 seemed to put an end to the character’s adventures, the Lionsgate studio which produces the films is determined not to immediately abandon this goose that lays the golden eggs.

After the series The Continental with mixed success, spin-offs are already in production. This is the case of Ballerina, scheduled for June 2025 in theaters, with Ana de Armas in the title role. If the feature film has not yet revealed a trailer for the moment, the filming seems to have been intense according to one of its famous actors, Norman Reedus.

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“It was painful”

In an interview given to the American media Collider, the star of The Walking Dead and well known to gamers for his role in Death Stranding returned to his involvement in Ballerina. If the 55-year-old American actor made his debut in the John Wick saga with this spin-off, it was not easy according to his own words:

It’s very physical, full-on work, and I ended up needing an anti-inflammatory every day. It was painful. I just came back from Budapest, where we added fight scenes. So I went from Japan to Budapest, then to Japan. This is a high level performance. It’s a great story, it’s well acted, it’s visually stunning, but it’s like bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

A little further during the interview, he takes the opportunity to express his great respect towards Keanu Reeves for his dedication to the saga, in particular thanks to his intense physical preparation to play John Wick like it should be. It must be said that the two actors are now over fifty and that the series is known for its ultra-demanding fights, which require real physical effort. In any case, after his statements, we can’t wait to discover the final result of Norman Reedus’ involvement in Ballerina which is scheduled for June 2025 in cinemas.

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