News culture “It looks interesting” James Cameron gives his opinion on Terminator Zero: the director did not work at all on the Netflix series


Culture news “It looks interesting” James Cameron gives his opinion on Terminator Zero: the director did not work on the Netflix series at all

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Despite some bad projects, the Terminator license remains a cult license that rights holders want to continue to exploit. A trend that is not ready to stop.

Released since August 29, the series Terminator Zero is finally available on Netflix. Directed by Masashi Kudo (Bleach Tower of God) and written by Mattson Tomlin (Project Power, The Batman)the series follows a computer scientist named Malcolm Lee in Tokyo in 1997, some time before Judgment Day, when Skynet launches its assault on humanity. Developing an AI to compete with Skynet, Lee finds himself hunted by a robot sent from the future to assassinate him. Fortunately, a mysterious soldier comes to his rescue.

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James Cameron is not done with the Terminator

Just under a week after its release, The animated series still enjoys a rather good reception from the press and the public.being able to boast of its 92% on Rotten Tomatoes and a rather favorable word of mouth from the spectators. Recently, James Cameron, who directed the first two films of the saga Terminatorreturned to the animated series during from an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

This looks interesting. My relationship with the series is a bit the same as with The Sarah Connor Chronicles — I’m interested in seeing other people create stories in a world that I created. What did they take away from it? What intrigued them? Where are they going to take it? (…) I’d be curious to see what they came up with. I’m working on my own thing Terminator Right now. It has nothing to do with Terminator Zero. (…) So I’m a little curious. It’s not a burning curiosity but, obviously, It would be nice to see the series succeed..

Terminator will be back

A rather diplomatic statement from the American director who also quotes The Sarah Connor Chroniclesa series that aired from 2008 to 2009 and follows Sarah Connor after the events of Terminator 2on which Cameron did not actually officiate. The license Terminator has generally had a lot of trouble taking off after Terminator 2chaining together films with average reception and fluctuating success.. The latest films in the saga, Terminator Genisys And Terminator: Dark Fateboth failed at the box office and presumably ended any desire to exploit the license in theaters.

Not enough to stop James Cameron from taking advantage of the interview to whisper his plan to take over the reins of the license, without giving further details. In the meantime, and after having tried everything on the big screen, it could be that the saga Terminator finds happiness in the TV series format.

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