News culture “It was painful” Hugh Jackman talks about his favorite character’s retirement and it could really hurt…

Culture news “It was painful” Hugh Jackman talks about his favorite character’s retirement and it could really hurt…

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In July, fans of comics and the Marvel universe will have the chance to discover the new adventures of Deadpool. For the occasion, he will be rather well accompanied since we will find the character of Wolverine at his side. The truth ! While he thought he had turned the page on this superhero, Hugh Jackman decided to put on the costume for this film, even if he explains that it was painful to wear it a few years ago.

For Ryan Reynolds and for the fans, Hugh Jackman was ready to do it!

Since the release of the film Loganin 2017, many of us thought the same thing as Hugh Jackman, the interpreter of James “Logan” Howlett. We would never have believed that the actor would have once again donned the claws of this iconic X-Men character, and yet ! In a few weeks, the superhero will make a reappearance for Deadpool and Wolverine movie, the one and only Marvel film that will represent the MCU this year. Just as surprising, Ryan Reynolds didn’t really need to beg his partner and great friend off set. As Hugh Jackman explained to Rotten Tomatoeshe knew from the start that comic book and superhero fans were waiting for this moment.

I was on my way – I was driving – and literally, like a flash, I knew, deep in my gut, that I wanted to make this movie with Ryan… for Deadpool and Wolverine to meet. I swear to you, when I said I was done, I really thought I was done (…) But deep down, since I saw Deadpool 1, I I said: “These two characters together…”. I knew it: I knew the fans wanted it. Ever since I got my claws on, fans have been talking about those two, so it’s always been there, but I knew it.

So you should never say never, even if there are many factors that tipped the scales in favor of a new appearance in the skin of Wolverine. It was during this same interview for Rotten Tomatoes that Hugh Jackman explained how it was increasingly difficult to endure this role a few years ago.

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Playing Wolverine was painful for Hugh Jackman, but it was theater that brought him back better!

Casually, if he is now inseparable from the role of James “Logan” Howlett, it was something quite heavy for the actor. Ten years ago, Hugh Jackman felt like he no longer had as much fun playing him.and this is also why the film Loganby James Mangold, offered him a masterful conclusion which left little doubt about the character’s destiny. But that was without counting on Ryan Reynolds, as we mentioned above, and on the multiverse inaugurated by the MCU for several years now. According to Hugh Jackman, it was these years away from the character that allowed him to come back better.

I got to a point, probably 10 years ago, where I told myself I didn’t like it. I was suffering. It was painful (…) But I took a break and danced a lot. I did stage shows. And when I came back, it was really fun.

Indeed, since the release of the film Loganthe actor made a few appearances in the cinema in various roles, and was especially featured in The Greatest Showmana feature film which strongly highlighted his appetite for theater. Because, yes, before setting foot on film sets, Hugh Jackman showed off his acting talents on stage. After Logan therefore, the actor immersed himself in this passion for theater and singing by participating in the world tour “ The Man. The Music. The Show. », in 2019, then performing on Broadway between December 2021 and January 2023 in “ The Music Man »giving him the second Tony Award nomination of his career.

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