News culture “Let me see your most lucrative films” James Cameron attacks those who criticize this precise point in his films


Culture news “Let me see your most lucrative films” James Cameron attacks those who criticize this precise point in his films

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At 70, the director of Avatar likes to say what he thinks. Although this could be perceived as slightly aggressive.

The Terminator is him

James Cameron is, in 2024, one of the most influential directors in the entire Hollywood film industry. The Canadian filmmaker, who made himself known thanks to Terminator, Aliens and Abyss, managed to place three of his films in the top of the biggest hits in the history of cinema. Indeed, Avatar (2009), Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) and Titanic are respectively in first, second and third place at the global box office with 2.92 billion, 2.32 billion and 2, 26 billion US dollars generated. These global successes make the filmmaker a “untouchable” in Hollywood. Despite everything, this does not prevent some negative criticism towards it.

On the 40th anniversary of Terminator, Cameron looked back on his career on the lines ofEmpire. He took the opportunity to respond to moviegoers who find some of the dialogue in his films hollow and uninteresting. “I’m not bothered by dialogue, but I’m less bothered than a lot of people, apparently, by the dialogue I write”, he explains. Before adding with a touch of condescension: “the box office results speak for themselves. Let me see your three of the four highest-grossing films, and then we’ll talk about the effectiveness of the dialogue. This is not the first time that the filmmaker has settled scores at Empire. As noted, The Guardiansin 2002, he attacked those who found his films too long. “I don’t want anyone complaining about the length when they sit and watch TV on repeat for eight hours” he said.

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What’s next?

It remains to be seen whether the final episode of Avatar, on which Cameron is working, will also manage to sneak into the top 5 of the best box office hits. It is rumored that the director is working in parallel on the adaptation of the book The Ghosts of Hiroshimasequel to the book Last Train to Hiroshima (published in 2015) written by Charles Pellegrino and scheduled for release in August 2025. The story focuses on the true story of a Japanese man who survived the tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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