News culture “My Guardian Angel” Dwayne Johnson reacts after Rebecca Ferguson’s shocking revelations and wants to find the culprit

Culture news ‘My Guardian Angel’ Dwayne Johnson Reacts After Rebecca Ferguson’s Shocking Revelations, Wants to Find the Culprit

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While Dune 2 is only garnering positive reviews, the promotional campaign around Dennis Villeneuve’s film is starting to take on a “Whodunit” feel in view of Rebecca Ferguson’s revelations. Several actors have since been exonerated, and one of them seems ready to take on the culprit…

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Freshly released in theaters, Dune 2 attracts compliments from the public, the press, and even renowned directors like Christopher Nolanwho recently compared the feature film to Denis Villeneuve to another well-known science fiction film. Even Rotten Tomatoes sings the praises of the second part of the saga, with incredible scores of 94% for criticism and 95% for the public. While Dune 2 seems to tick all the boxes, the press tour around the film continues in full swing, and some surprising revelations have surfaced.

Recently, Rebecca Fergusonthe interpreter of Dame Jessica, made statements about the toxic behavior from a former colleague whose identity is still secret today. She claimed that he was a very well-known actor at the time (or actress, she was very vague about the person’s gender), and that her career almost suffered when she tried to defend himself. You can find all the details on this subject in our dedicated article. Regardless, the career of Rebecca Ferguson appears to have been unaffected, and while she chooses to protect the identity of the actor in question, netizens can’t help but speculate – especially now that some celebrities have come to Ferguson’s defense .

The culprit better watch his back

Names like Hugh Jackman And Tom Cruise were removed from the list by Rebecca Ferguson herself, but the mystery is still full, the actress having shared the screen with many celebrities over the years. And even if Internet users are the first to want to know the identity of the culprit by turning over all the stones, one stone in particular spoke up in defense of Rebecca Ferguson. Indeed, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnsonwith whom Ferguson toured in Hercules in 2014, recently spoke on Twitter (or X):

Visibly, Dwayne Johnson has enormous respect for Rebecca Fergusonsince he went so far as to qualify her as a “guardian angel” for her exemplary behavior on the set of Hercules. He adds that he would really like to know who it is without specifying what he intends to do with this information… In any case, we would not like to be in the place of the culprit when his identity is revealed. public (if it ever is).

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