News culture “The stench of the 50s” Quentin Tarantino really hates this great classic made by a visionary

Culture news “The Stench of the 50s” Quentin Tarantino really hates this great classic made by a visionary

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Tastes and colors… Once again, Quentin Tarantino has expressed a strong opinion on a great classic of American cinema but also on its director, and this may not please fans of the Master of Suspense!

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Tastes and colors, we don’t discuss

Everyone has their preferences when it comes to series and films, and they are sometimes very marked. We notice this very easily in certain directors whose style is a little out of the ordinary, such as the unique blend of fantasy, horror, and philosophy of Guillermo del Toroand the depictions of complex relationships and very human characters from Greta Gerwig. And then there are directors that everyone knows how to recognize, regardless of the degree of cinephile, like Quentin Tarantino and his films that link non-linear storytelling with extreme violence.

Tarantino loves excess, as evidenced by his dialogues where profanities and references to pop culture abound, and his action scenes where blood flows freely and choreographies follow one another. The American director’s tastes are all the more pronounced when he talks about things he doesn’t like, and there are many filmmakers who have accidentally caught a stray bullet during an interview. But Tarantino seems to have a grudge against one man in particular, and for a reason that might seem unjustified to the victim’s fans.

Quentin Tarantino doesn’t mince his words

In the past, Quentin Tarantino did not hesitate to criticize the films of Stanley Kubrickand especially Clockwork Orange (A Clockwork Orange) whose excessive violence contradicts the supposed message of the film. But it’s a completely different director than Tarantino seems to have the flu, and it is by Alfred Hitchcockthe precursor of plot twist. Indeed, Quentin Tarantino does not seem to hold the works of the master of suspense in his heart, and especially Cold sweat which he considers to have “The stink of the 50s, which is similar to the stink of the 80s”.

He blames Hitchcock for not going far enough in his films, and especially during the last act, which could be understandable if they had been made today, but Tarantino does not seem to take into account the fact that the filmmakers of the time had their hands tied by the Hays codewhich prevented them from showing too violent scenes on screen. Alfred Hitchcock also risked a lot to Psychosissince the Hays code was still in place when it was released, and was only replaced by the MPAA rating system only eight years later. Who knows, the opinion of Tarantino would perhaps be different if he himself had had to make a film in these conditions!

And if you ever disagree with the strong opinion of Tarantinoknow that you can watch Cold sweat with a subscription Prime Videoand most other films by Hitchcock for free on !

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