Culture news This is the film that launched Steven Spielberg’s immense career and the director apparently didn’t stay until the end of filming…
Sometimes you just have to take the plunge. Except when there’s a sea monster hanging around, of course!
Shark in sight!
If when you go swimming during your vacation you look to see if there is a shark fin on the horizon, it is surely because of this film.. Steven Spielberg’s Jaws hit the big time when it hit theaters in 1975. Impressive, fast-paced, and bloody, it traumatized millions of viewers around the world. It was such a success at the time that Jaws became the first film in history to gross over $100 million in the United States. With an estimated budget of under $10 million, the film grossed over $476 million at the global box office! Not bad.
Behind this phenomenal success, we of course find Steven Spielberg at the dawn of his great career. With Jaws, the director was able to impose a style, but above all he had to confront many unforeseen events during filming.. The latter dragged on, going from the planned 55 days to 159. The filmmaker had to deal with a boat taking on water during filming following an accident, and a mechanical shark that malfunctioned because of the salt water. FaroutMagazine returned to another anecdote from the film, that of Spielberg’s hasty departure for a rather original reason.
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The site tells us that Steven Spielberg, towards the end of filming, learned that the actors and crew had planned to throw him into the water once the last shot was filmed. Not wanting to end up as a common shark bait, the director is said to have jumped into a boat taking him back to shore when the final shot was being filmed.. Once the end of the film was in the can, the filmmaker is said to have shouted “It’s over. I’m not coming back!” It is rumored that since then, Spielberg has taken to leaving before the end of filming his films, in order to be prepared for any eventuality. Despite the complications during filming, Jaws would win three Oscars, including best editing, best film score and best sound.
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