News tip Arcane tower Baldur’s Gate 3: turrets, elevator, Bernard, mushrooms… The complete guide to the ruined tower

News tip Baldur’s Gate 3 arcane tower: turrets, elevator, Bernard, mushrooms… The complete guide to the ruined tower

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Are the arcane turrets of the ruined tower giving you a hard time in Baldur’s Gate 3? In this guide, we show you the way to deactivate them, but also how to repair the elevator, while explaining how to get the most out of Bernard, the butler of the arcane tower.


  • How to disable arcane turrets?
  • How to repair the elevator?
  • What to say to Bernard?
  • Where to find Lenore mushrooms for Omeluum?
  • Some little secrets about the arcane tower

When you arrive in front of the Arcane Tower of the Dark Depths of Baldur’s Gate III, turrets will set up watch and will shoot at you at the slightest movement in the open. Although it is possible to destroy them with Lightning III spells (as long as you take them down in one hit), there is a much more practical way to disable them. We explain how to do it below.

  • Ungroup your character with as much mobility as possible (we used Lae’zel for her special jumping skill available at level 4 and her teleportation, although it is optional for this activity, available at level 5),
  • Leave the rest of your group at the entrance and above all behind the cover of the turrets,
  • Go behind the first turret then jump on the giant mushroom located to the south,
  • Continue your descent on the mushrooms until you reach the outer courtyard of the tower,
  • If you’re afraid of taking fall damage, don’t hesitate to consume your flight or fall damage reduction scrolls to make sure you’re safe.

Once in the courtyard, all you have to do is pick the lock on the door to gain access to the engine room. The tower’s power system is no longer powered, which is a problem. So, turn around to collect a Susurreau Flower from the courtyard outside, then place it in the generator. The tower will shine brightly and the arcane turret monitoring system will be lifted so you can wander around peacefully in this place.

In addition to deactivating the turrets, restarting the power system (using the susurreau flower) allows you to repair the elevator: two birds with one stone. You will be able to use it as you wish across all floors. However, you will not be able to reach the basement. Only Bernard will be able to help you, so don’t hesitate to follow the next part to learn everything about the arcane tower and thus advance in the quest for Omeluum.

What to say to Bernard?

Lénore is a real theater fan.. And, she got into the habit of speaking with Bernard, her butler, with a kind of code that she composed with the help of the numerous works placed throughout the floors of the arcane tower. So that Bernard is not hostile towards you, you will have understood, you will have to talk to him with the help of your knowledge of plays. The more books you read, the more lines of dialogue you will be able to unlock to chat with Bernard.

To start the conversation with Bernard well, use the following line of dialogue: “Or the most faithful of friends seeking…”. This way, Bernard will misunderstand you and take you for his mistress. Thus, it will be possible to obtain some interesting services from it for your exploration of the place. The most important is the one he can give us using the following line of dialogue:

  • What to believe? How to know the truth? / How do I show myself as I really am?

Then if you feel a little alone, you can ask him for a hug using the following sentence:

  • I feel so alone in this life. / She goes back to the surface to survive.

Keep in mind that under no circumstances should you use the following line of dialogue:

  • There is a glow in everything that lives. / She goes back to the surface to survive

Bernard will be hostile and will engage in combat with you.

Where to find Lenore mushrooms for Omeluum?

You follow the quest of Omeluum of the Colony of Myconides or do you want to visit every nook and cranny of this place? Thanks to the dialogue line “What to believe? How to know the truth? / How do I show myself as I really am?”, Bernard will pose a ring on the table. By equipping it, the latter will allow you to access the last basement of the tower, namely the secret room of the clergy Lénore.

In addition to finding very useful items and some notable weapons, you will be able to collect tongues of madness, the mushroom necessary to continue the quest for the cure with Omeluum.

Some little secrets about the arcane tower

There are a couple of pretty interesting secrets to explore in this ruined tower. The first is located in the outer courtyard. By passing a Perception test, you will be able to find a pile of earth where a chest is buried.

Many chests are hidden everywhere, notably on the exterior terraces or at the top of the staircase which leads to the engine room. Don’t miss them, it would be a shame to miss out on a little gold or useful resources.

Then finally, if you have found the Myrna’s necklace in the Dark Depths, you can activate a button on the first floor allowing you to obtain unlimited food! Note that you will need to equip the dog collar to receive the food.

Summary of our Baldur’s Gate 3 guides

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