News tip at Porter Red Dead Redemption 2: How to succeed in the burglary?


News tip At Porter Red Dead Redemption 2: How to succeed in the burglary?

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On Red Dead Redemption 2, many side activities await you, including several burglaries. It is precisely one of them that will particularly interest us here: the one called “Chez Porter” that we will detail here.

Summary of all our guides and tips for Red Dead Redemption 2

To launch this “Chez Porter” heist on Red Dead Redemption 2, you will have to progress in the adventure. Indeed, you will absolutely have to complete the mission “The first will be last”. If you have any concerns, take a look at our guide.

Once this is done, Javier Escuela will come to you in Chapter 2 or 3 and offer you a move that you can choose to accept or not. As you might have guessed, this move, This is the famous burglary of “Chez Porter”. So please accept if you wish to do so.

Note that there is the possibility of doing the “Porter’s” heist twice in Red Dead Redemption 2. Indeed, if you haven’t done it yet with Javier Escuela, you can come across a random event where a prisoner can give you tips on this burglary.

Obviously, to be able to do this twice, you will necessarily have to launch it before the first method that was given to you. Once this is done, it simply won’t be possible to do it a second time in-game.

Once you have accepted Javier Escuela’s proposal, you will have to go to Porter’s. If you don’t know where it is, don’t panic! Indeed, We have shown you where to go on the map below.

Once you’re there, Javier sets fire to one of the buildings on the property as a diversion, which causes the family inside to come out. As you might have guessed, you’ll need to take advantage of this to eliminate them as quickly as possible, using the dead eye for example.

Once that’s done, you’ll be able to search the place and collect some loot. What will particularly interest you is a small chest that contains $175, a nice reward. To find it, you just have to go to the barn and help yourself.

If you have any remorse, you might wonder if it wasn’t better to reject Javier’s offer. Well, know that fundamentally, it won’t change anything, because if you return to the place at the end of the game, you will simply find empty buildings.


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