News tip God of War: 10 tips and tricks to know to get started well


God of War has just been released on PC almost four years after it arrived on PS4. Sony Santa Monica’s critically acclaimed action game, however, is more complex than its predecessors, and to get you started on Kratos’ journey in the best possible way, we’ve got some tips and tricks you need to know. start in God of War.

Have you fallen for the recently released Steam version of God of War? The signed masterpiece santa monica studio is finally available on PC after several years of PlayStation exclusivity. If you have never played it before and you are about to discover this new adventure of Kratos in the universe of Norse mythology, or even if you discover it now on consoles (PlayStation 5 or even PlayStation 4), we have listed some tips and tricks to know to understand the mythical epic of the god of war, and overcome the many obstacles that will stand in your way in the best conditions.


  • 1. Don’t look for the challenge right away and take your time
  • 2. Consider exploring everywhere
  • 3. Use and Abuse the Leviathan Ax
  • 4. There is no shame in running away, the solution will come later
  • 5. Be patient and strategic in combat
  • 6. Eliminate weak enemies first and exploit the scenery
  • 7. Atreus is your best ally
  • 8. In case of desperation, go into rage mode
  • 9. Optimize your experience gains
  • 10. Use your money wisely

1. Don’t look for the challenge right away and take your time

God of War is not a particularly easy game, and the “normal” mode will already offer you enough challenge to feel the intensity of the fights, and savor the power of Kratos, joystick (or any type of controller) in hand. Since this is not an old-fashioned beat ’em all like in previous installments of the series, you can be easily “dismantled” if you want to rush into the heap, and it is better to take the time to analyze the situations, not to mention just admiring the impressive scenery offered by the title of Santa Monica Studio. Therefore, don’t rush, and play normal preferably the first time: this will allow you to savor the story while benefiting from a balanced challenge, with a reasonable number of enemies (which increases with higher difficulties), and you can have time to explore Midgard and its every nook and cranny, which will always be rewarded as the game is full of loot and treasures.

2. Consider exploring everywhere

The latest episode of the God of War series is not linear, and between artifacts, Odin’s crows, chests of all kinds, there will be a lot of things to find while exploring all the kingdoms that this adventure offers. You will be regularly rewarded by taking the time to think outside the box, by carrying out secondary quests, and it would be a shame to draw in a straight line, especially since the challenge will quickly become almost insurmountable if you don’t take the time to develop Kratos. Take advantage of the extraordinary world that Midgard offers you and explore it by taking the time to look around you (as well as above) to discover a whole host of passages and roads that will arouse your curiosity. Whether on foot or on the Lac des Neuf when you sail, many areas are to be unlocked and it would be a shame to miss out, as the game has so much to offer!

3. Use and Abuse the Leviathan Ax

Kratos’ new weapon is a super-powered ax that obeys the commands of its master. You will use it almost all the time, to fight as to unlock passages, open runic chests… and above all, no matter where you throw it, all it takes is a button to make it come back like a boomerang! This weapon is more than valuable and will be the key to many situations, so learn to make good use of it, both in exploration and in combat, where it is both a melee weapon and a ranged projectile with infinite use. In addition, you will be able to alternate between several types of heavy and light attacks with this weapon: so take the time to learn how to use it from the first enemies you face, to better master it when you face more complex fights.

4. There is no shame in running away, the solution will come later

Running is part of the fight, even for Kratos! You will fall regularly, and even early in the game, against enemies that are probably still too tricky for you to face. Quite a few can be avoided, either temporarily so you can do other things, or permanently because you don’t have to kill them to progress through the storyline. Feel free to rely on a monster’s life bar to assess your ability to emerge victorious from the fight, and consider retreating or even simply ignoring the fight. As for the puzzles and the routes to take, you must adopt the same logic: you will often come across a chest whose mechanism you cannot open, or a passage that none of your abilities allow you to use yet. It’s not serious : if no obvious solution presents itself to you, turn back or go in another direction (depending on your possibilities), this means that the solution will come to you later!

5. Be patient and strategic in combat

Given the supposed power of Kratos, it is normal to consider rushing into the pile; but very quickly, once the Draugr (basic enemies) passed, you will understand that it is a bad idea, the fighting style having changed since the old episodes, and being much more tactical. You will therefore have to analyze the situation and study the behavior and resistance of your opponents, and show yourself to be a clever strategist! First learn how to use the shield with the right timing and avoid the most powerful attacks that you cannot parry: the god of war is much more fragile than he looks, and you’re often likely to take twice as much damage as you’ll inflict doing anything. Finally, take the time to learn the different color codes for the gauges (life, stuns) and the effects that Kratos’ actions will have on them, to annihilate aversion as effectively as possible!

6. Eliminate weak enemies first and exploit the scenery

If you are facing a group of enemies, prioritize the most fragile ones first to “clean up” the area: this will prevent you from receiving damage from everywhere without necessarily paying attention to it while you focus on the more powerful, slower one(s) and against whom you can play it more strategically, by analyzing their behavior. You can eliminate them with your fists or even by freezing them with your axe, in order to temporarily immobilize the most restless. In addition, remember to use walls and trees during your confrontations. For example, if you project an enemy with a powerful blow into the scenery, you will increase his stun gauge, making it easier to kill the blow in stride. By chaining it against a wall with a combo of hits, you will increase this gauge much faster, so think about it if you have the opportunity!

7. Atreus is your best ally

At first sight, Atreus has all the good old NPC “cannonball”, Do not be scarred by words. At best, once you accept its presence instead of being subjected to it, you will notice that it can serve as a diversion. However, Kratos’ son is much more useful in combat than he looks. Remember to attribute experience to him in order to improve his abilities as well at the same time as those of his father: he will then become more and more effective at your side, and will help you much more during the fights! By shooting more arrows and faster, it will inflict more damage on enemies and will act as a perfect ally during clashes. Also, don’t forget to buy resurrection stones from workshops: Atreus can use them to revive you if you fall in battle. Admittedly, this only gives you a little health, but a second chance is always good to take!

8. In case of desperation, go into rage mode

While it is possible to find potions on the ground and use them during the fight to heal yourself, some really tense encounters may put you in a delicate situation where you will come to the end of your strength, and have no care available. In this case, remember to activate the rage mode if its gauge is full: Kratos will then go into a rage and demolish absolutely everything in his path for a few moments, clearly drawing on his last resources to turn the situation around. Better still, in this case, each enemy killed in rage mode will restore your life points! However, be careful not to use this ultimate combat mode until you need it. It is better to keep it to restart a confrontation that is beginning to lean against you, and to let the rage gauge increase while waiting to see red potions (which go up the said gauge) appear in the combat zone while you are fighting.

9. Optimize your experience gains

God of War having taken an “action-adventure-RPG” turn, Kratos has many statistics (strength, defense, HP, runes, etc.) and as you can imagine, you will have to boost them. Consider increasing your luck stats first. because they will maximize the gains of XP and money throughout the adventure: what to level up and get rich faster, what you will need to progress and make Kratos more and more powerful, efficient and better team. In addition, you will have a lot of quests to complete, apart of course from the main focus of Kratos and Atreus. We’re not necessarily talking here about the many “side quests” and collectibles galore, but rather of these famous optional “works” displayed in the menu if you go to the “Objectives” tab after you pause. These are not big quests per se (killing a certain number of enemies, for example), but these will constantly bring you XP, which is always good to take! So, remember to regularly look at what are the “works” offered.

10. Use your money wisely

Again, if you are used to the old opuses of the saga, you will have to take new habits. In this God of War, a good part of the loot is absolutely useless, except to make money for you! Many artifacts are there to be picked up and resold in workshops dwarfs Brok and Sindri, so get rid of them as soon as possible to enrich yourself and reinvest your money in more useful equipment. More, the objects in question will not disappear from the codex, so you won’t really “lose” them if you want to keep information on them. Finally, note that by improving your experience, some armor pieces will become obsolete, so consider getting rid of them (except those with unique/rare abilities, which are better to keep) to enrich yourself a little more, and improve the equipment that matters!

God of War Full Walkthrough Summary


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