News tip How to unlock the Gladiator on CoD Warzone, MW3 and Warzone Mobile?

News tip How to unlock the Gladiator in CoD Warzone, MW3 and Warzone Mobile?

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The highly anticipated season 3 has just arrived on Warzone and Modern Warfare and it promises a lot of new features, but also some returns. One of the most anticipated weapons is undoubtedly the Gladiator and in this article we explain how to get your hands on it.

Summary of all our guides on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


  • How to get the Gladiator in Warzone and Modern Warfare?
  • Should you buy the season 3 battle pass?
  • Is the Gladiator available on Warzone Mobile?

As we have just told you, season 3 of Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone was highly anticipated by fans and one of the reasons for this is quite simply because the very famous map Rebirth Island will return to the game after a year and a half of absence (with a skin to boot)!

Besides the return of Rebirth Island, the other point that quite excited fans of the game is the arrival of a new melee weapon, the Gladiator. In addition to the FJX Horus submachine gun and the Mors, a sniper rifle, this is the third weapon to join the armory.

As is often the case, to unlock it, this will happen via the battle pass. The “bad” news is that you will still have to be a little patient before getting your hands on this Gladiator given that This is the reward for Sector 15!

Should you buy the season 3 battle pass?

As we have just said, to unlock the Gladiator on Warzone and Modern Warfare, you will have to go through the battle pass. Now, as you know, there are two versions, one that is free for all players and one that is paid.

Luckily, weapons in Warzone and Modern Warfare are still part of the free battle pass. Generally there is a bundle in the store allowing them to be unlocked quickly for those who want it, but the weapons of the pass are still in the free part of the latter.

You will therefore just have to play to get your hands on the Gladiator, even if as we have just told you, you will still have to be quite patient and above all play a lot of games to get to sector 15 where will this new weapon be found.

Is the Gladiator available on Warzone Mobile?

Another question that is surely burning on your lips is whether this weapon will be available on Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile. So, as we write these lines, it is complicated to give you a 100% reliable answer that this will indeed be the case.

However, the progression being shared between the three games, particularly on the armory, there is no doubt for us that once you have reached this sector 15 and unlocked the Gladiator, the latter will immediately join your inventory on the mobile version of the game.

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