News tip Tharchiate Wilt Baldur’s Gate 3: How to remove it to benefit from the bonus?

News tip Withering Tharchiate Baldur’s Gate 3: How to remove it to benefit from the bonus?

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Thay’s Necromancy is a quest that will keep you busy for most of BG3 and to complete it you need to read a codex, but this one gives you Tharchiate’s Wither. In this article, we explain how to find the codex, but also how to remove the curse.

Summary of our Baldur’s Gate 3 guides


  • Where and how to find the Tharchiate codex?
  • How to get rid of Tharchiate Wilt?
  • Unlock Thay’s Necromancy powers!

Before we start solving the Tharchiate Wilt problem on Baldur’s Gate 3, we will first have to look at where you can find this codex first, because as you will see in the rest of the article, it will be important!

For that, you will have to wait until act 3 of the game and once at Baldur’s Gate, go to the Magic and Spell Shop which you cannot miss because it is huge and in the middle of the city. There, turn invisible and lock the door upstairs to get the cellar key.

Then go there and you will fall in front of a door where you have to solve a riddle. To do this, nothing too complicated, you just need to follow the following path and open the door to Elminster where you will find the famous Tharchiate codex!

  • Silver Hand > Evocation > Wish > Activate the Elminster Gate Lever
  • Return to the first room then Silver Hand > Abjuration > Silver > Activate the lever on Karsus’ door

This codex, if you are here, it is because you have already opened it. But if this is not yet the case, we encourage you to do so because it will allow you to obtain a powerful power that we will detail in the rest of this article. Except that This is a very powerful magical book and it has consequences!

In fact, when you open it for the first time, the character who does so will receive a curse, Tharchiate Wither! A rather annoying penalty given that it will give you a -5 in constitution, permanently!

Fortunately, there is a way to get rid of this curse quite easily, just call on your trusty Shadowheart who has a curse removal spell. Besides Shadowheart, if you play a Paladin or a Cleric for example, you can learn this spell and cast it on yourself.

Besides, the good news is that not only will you lose Tharchiate Wither and its penalties, but on top of that, you will gain a bonus! The curse will transform into Tharchiate’s Blessing which gives you 20 temporary HP.

Unlock Thay’s Necromancy powers!

Now that you know how to get rid of Tharchiate Wilt and also how to recover the temporary HP bonus, let’s look at what this book is really useful for. Indeed, it will allow you to reread Thay’s Necromancy once again.

When this is done, you will gain a new power allowing you to summon ghouls. A very powerful power which is the real reward at the end of the quest with Thay’s Necromancy. Besides, If you haven’t collected it or completed the quest yet, we have a guide for you.

In the latter, we tell you not only where to find it, but also all the intermediate steps before arriving at that of Tharchiate Wither so that you can unleash the full power of this very powerful magical book on necromancy!

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