NGOs denounce an amendment intended to muzzle civil society

Forty NGOs denounced on Wednesday an amendment to the 2023 draft budget which they consider intended to “muzzle civil society” by removing the tax benefits granted to associations whose activists are guilty of intrusion into agricultural or industrial sites. .

This controversial amendment, presented by the deputies LR Vronique Louwagie, Marie-Christine Dalloz and Marc Le Fur against agribashing, was adopted during the examination in committee of the draft budget 2023. It will be debated in plenary in the coming days .

It plans to exclude from tax reduction donations to associations whose members are found guilty of acts of intrusion on private agricultural property and industrial establishments.

In the viewfinder: militant associations like L214 and its shocking videos on practices in slaughterhouses.

If this amendment were really passed in plenary, it would hit all the organizations that denounce the excesses of our agricultural and industrial system, in particular through actions of civil disobedience, write about forty NGOs in a joint press release.

Among the signatories, L214, Greenpeace, France Nature Environnement, Foodwatch, the LPO, Bloom and even Welfarm, call on the deputies to reject this amendment during the passage of the text in the plenary session, judging that this text is a new attempt to intimidate the civil society and associations working for the general interest.

Directly targeted for its videos filmed without authorization in liftings or slaughterhouses, where unsustainable images have led the public authorities to intervene several times, L214 denounces in a separate press release a desire to silence whistleblowers by financially asphyxiating associations.

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Intrusions into lifts, at the heart of this amendment, are however already prohibited and punishable by the criminal code, recalls the association, which considers that the initiative of the deputy of Ctes-d’Armor Marc Le Fur is specifically directed against L214 .

The elected official welcomed the vote in committee, citing anti-species associations of the L214 type which encourage extremist activists to break all property laws.

L214 believes that her work as a whistleblower has helped to move the lines, with the creation of a parliamentary inquiry commission on slaughterhouses; a ban on the grinding of chicks and the rearing of mink; and the decline of cage farming.

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