Nicholas Brendon: “Buffy” star suffers “immense pain” after arrest

Nicholas Brendon
“Buffy” star suffers “immense pain” after arrest

Nicholas Brendon suffers from health problems.

© getty / Gilbert Carrasquillo / Getty Images

“Buffy” star Nicholas Brendon has canceled all promotional events for his new film. The reason: “immense” health problems.

“Buffy” star Nicholas Brendon (50) has been making headlines for several years about arrests, prison terms and charges. Now the actor has canceled all promotional events for his new Amazon Prime film “Wanton Want” due to health problems after being arrested in August.

This was confirmed by his manager Theresa Fortier “The Daily Mail”. According to this, he has paralysis in the lower half of the body and is currently waiting for further examinations and an operation on his back.

The actor suffers from cauda equina syndrome, which compresses the nerve roots of the lumbar spine. His prison stay a few weeks ago worsened symptoms, according to Fortier. According to his manager, he had to sleep on a concrete floor in prison. “That didn’t exactly help him heal and made his injury worse,” said Fortier.

In prison, he was forced to sleep on a concrete floor

Brendon was arrested in Indiana on August 18 after allegedly providing false information for prescription drugs. He is said to have shown the officials a false ID.

In the US hit series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (1997-2003) Nicholas Brendon played the role of Alexander “Xander” LaVelle Harris.
