Nick Leeson, the broker who took down the royal family’s bank

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CRAZY TRADERS. This son of a British worker sank Barings, the most prestigious bank in England. He spent three years in prison before rebuilding his life in Ireland.

By Mary Bordet

Nick Leeson, the young broker who broke the Queen of England's bank.
Nick Leeson, the young broker who broke the Queen of England’s bank.

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On could have imagined that after making headlines in the world’s press, being wanted by all the police, causing the bankruptcy of an ancestral British financial institution, and finally after being sentenced to six years in prison, Nick Leeson would have chose discretion. That he would have disappeared from radar screens forever.

Missed. The former Barings trader has decided to make his business his romantic life, his successes, but above all his mistakes and his fall. On the website he named after him, the 55-year-old man with thin glasses and a bald head, which has thickened with age, presents himself as “business speaker and former Barings trader” .

To promote himself, he sells himself as follows: he is “the man who caused the most…

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